dopamine beta-hydroxylase
-/-), the enzyme responsible for synthesizing norepinephrine and epinephrine from dopamine,
Dbh - dopamine beta hydroxylase
Sympathectomy resulted in marked reduction of dopamine beta-hydroxylase immunoreactivity with no appreciable change in galanin immunoreactivity. - 342k
Serum Dopamine-Beta-Hydroxylase Activity -- WEINSHILBOUM and ...
Serum Dopamine-beta-Hydroxylase: Decrease after Chemical Sympathectomy Science, September 3, 1971; 173(4000): 931 - 934. [Abstract] [PDF]
NASA Technical Reports Server
Anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase immunotoxin administration produces a rapid, irreversible sympathectomy. NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
Serum Dopamine-beta-Hydroxylase (DBH) Activity and Blood Pressure ...
Serum Dopamine-beta-Hydroxylase (DBH) Activity ..... Weinshilboum R, Axelrod J: Serum dopamine-^-hydroxylase: Decrease after chemical sympathectomy.