mediating pain.
Local anaesthetic block of the sympathetic chain can be used to produce transient increase in blood flow to a limb (stellate ganglion block for arm, lumbar sympathetic block for leg).
Neurolytic (phenol) lumbar sympathectomy can increase lower limb blood flow for up to 6 months. Neurolytic stellate ganglion block carries high risk of injury to adjacent nerves and is rarely used.
SCS can improve tissue perfusion in ischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.
What is the evidence?
Neurolytic lumbar sympathectomy increases popliteal artery flow and perfusion of leg muscles in peripheral vascular disease42. A prospective series has shown total relief of pain and healing of ulcers in 58.7% of cases of non-operable peripheral vascular disease43.
Both retrospective44 and prospective45 case series support a role for SCS in the management of refractory angina pectoris. Use of SCS resulted in reduced anginal symptoms and medication use.
Information for Health Professionals
Hunter Integrated Pain Service
Updated January 2010
Procedural Intervention Guideline