Not surprisingly, diminished vasoconstrictor responses, similar to the current findings, have been found
in patients with sympathetic dystrophies [26], dysautomias [27], post-regional sympathectomy [28] and
diabetic neuropathies [11].
Additionally, there have been a few reports of EM patients benefitting from sympathectomy or neurolitic
irreversible blocks of the lumbar sympathetic ganglia [22,23], while others have found the symptoms of EM to be aggravated by such treatment [24,25], possibly as a result of denervation supersensitivity.
Clinical Science (1999) 96, 507ñ512 (Printed in Great Britain)
Roberta C. LITTLEFORD, Faisel KHAN and Jill J. F. BELCH
University Department of Medicine, Section of Vascular Medicine and Biology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School,
Dundee DD1 9SY, Scotland, U.K.